It was not enough to deter me. A little more figuring and a little more measuring got the footings for the front step stringers in the right location. The 2 x 12 lumber for the steps was placed inside to dry out and the first template for the steps was marked in red pencil.
Building stairs is rather confusing, particularly when you have never built a set of stairs before. It may be a good thing I have been forced to go so slow and think about it, before I make that first cut.
Stay inside where it's warm and read about stair-building on the Internet.
Hi Christopher!
I'm not sure much deters you. Those steps will get finished in fine style even in rain, snow and fog! Stay warm. The picture of the clouds and fog hovering over the mountain tops is so majestic.
Oh yes, measure twice and cut once. I am sure you have heard this advice before. It's the best I can do from way over here.
I can almost see you sitting on the front porch rocking, with Spot on your lap, watching the flowers blooming.
I agree, measure twice, cut once. I know you won't have any trouble with the steps. As for you sitting, I don't see that. You will be doing more gardening than before. Uncle Ernie may need some help.
Love the pics. It was always a different situation with the rain. Very enjoyable. Especially in Summer.
Chuck I have read about the formula for stairs on the internet three times, consulted with my building contractor twice, thought about it til my head hurts, visualized it from all angles, looked at the deck stairs at the resident gardeners house over and over and marked it out on the board now. I think I will be ready when the porch drys off.
Siria, I never tire of this view. Weather however after twenty years on the desert side of Maui is a new phenomena.
Lisa, that is a good vision.
Lola, summer rain is a bit more enjoyable, warmer and it's good for the flowers an vegetables.
Thanks for letting us in on the progress of your house. I'm really enjoying it.
Hi Christopher, your porch is looking so wonderful. That roof line really makes it sing! I wish the Gardoctor could come help you, he just redid our upper deck railing, ramp and stairs and knows that measuring and figuring stuff. Yours will be welcoming to visitors. Look out though, snow is coming, even to us!
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