Today the water line entering the cabin was insulated and the gas line was bonded. I took the picture before I ran the ground wire. The water spigot had to be extended outside of an eight inch diameter metal duct piece. Inside, the water line was wrapped in a black foam pipe insulation cover and then the whole thing was filled with spray foam. It took a while to get that duct fashioned properly to be a half a pipe against the main girder with flanges for attachment and a full circle of pipe below.
I even took the time today to suck a piece of string through the buried pipe put in for the phone line with the vacuum. If all goes well the utilities will be turned on soon.

Hopefully I will get an occupancy permit on the first try. Getting that permit does not however mean work is finished. Is work ever finished? There are more than a few things to attend to before I can sit back and say,"It is done."
When I am living in Hale Mana though, I won't have to travel back and forth. It will be easier to just get up and tend to things. A little paint here. Stack a few rocks there. Sort through this rubbish pile. Hang a picture there.

The inspector man must enter the realm of Hale Mana. The stage will be set. Let the gods and goddesses of Ku'ulei 'Aina work their magic on the inspector man.
Hi Christopher! WOW...it's only February, so you are ahead of your schedule. Yeah! I'll be sending good vibes to Hale Mana for your inspection next week. I know that inspector man will be very impressed.
I totally agree with Siria.
I have followed this endeavor with you since it's beginning. You have done a wonderful job & my admiration goes out to you. You have accomplished something that most would not tackle.
Congratulations, my friend, enjoy.
Ahead of schedule ... that made me laugh.
Thanks Lola. I did get some help from the building contractor. We can't forget him.
By all means, I'm sure he has been a great help as has others I'm sure.
How are your parents doing? Will they be up soon.
It has been a pleasure watching this project come to fruition - with the emphasis on 'watching', haha! Seriously, GREAT job and good luck on the inspection!
I like the name of your Cozy Cabin. It will take awhile for me to think of it as Hale Manna. It will be Cozy Cabin for some time. I like the new name though. Best of luck with the inspectors. Surely they will see that it is a work of art and ready for occupancy.
Congrats, Christopher! You've come a long way, and the cabin looks great.
I agree with Lisa. I'm sorry, Chris, but you can name the garden whatever you wish but for those of us who have followed you from the very beginning, we will always think of the cabin as the "cozy cabin."
Lola the folk will arrive around the first week of April.
Thanks Bev. I'll hope for the best and be prepared for rejection.
Lisa part of my plan is to blind the inspector man with my art. If I have time I will add all the wine bottles to the edging of the bed beside the cabin.
Pam it has been a long time coming. Am I finishing the cabin before your pump house shed?
I'm not worried Anonymous. Hale Mana will grow on you.
I agree with Lisa & Anonymous. "Cozy Cabin" will be for some time.
Hale Mana will take some time to get use to.
It may be tie, Christopher. The shed is finished. We're painting it this week.
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