There is still snow on the ground, less than last year at this time, and the ground is still pretty much frozen. It is still a bit early for major bulb action.

My impatience and the current lack of snow has allowed for an earlier start on the processes of picking up sticks and the chop and drop of old perennials. The Spots have even been spending more time outside of late too. They don't do snow with much enthusiasm.

It's still just me and the snowdrops for now.

Real signs of major bulb activity and the real time to get busy gardening could very well coincide with the completion - inspection wise any way - of the cozy cabin. I am within spitting distance of the finish.
The sink side counter top was set in place on the supporting ledgers today. I need shorter screws to fasten it down. Then I can cut a big hole in it for the sink.

If I can cut nice perfect holes through the walls for vents, I should be able to cut a nice hole through the counter top for the sink. I just have to be careful not to scratch it.

The weather diagnosis is calling for warmth and sun through the week. That means the exterior lights can be installed without my fingers freezing. Lights. Kitchen sink. Inspection. It might encourage some bulb activity too.
The Black Americana collection is coming out of hiding to live in the kitchen. I hung the right side picture on the low side to leave room for something else above. I have very limited wall space. Some art pieces are likely to remain in storage even after I am settled in.

I may be chomping at the bit, but I am not completely misguided. The 10,000 daffodils are beginning to peek through the ground.

It's almost here.
I'm loving pic #1. I'm just dreaming about what's in the distance around the bend.
The bulbs always do fool one self. Today our second type of crocus opened up, 8 more to come.
I would take the counter out to cut the sink out. The back portion by the back splash is an easy cut from the underside. Also Make sure you have cabinet clearance in the front of the cut out.
If you don't cut your sink opening from the underside be sure to use a down cut blade in your jig saw and put tape on the base of the saw so it won't scratch your top.
Your bulbs are ahead of mine. Especially the Snowdrops.
It sure is looking good Christopher.
You sure can cut the sink hole with no problem. You've done so much. More than most could.
The daffodils won't be long. Spring will be here before you know it.
Sallysmom around that bend is the cozy cabin.
Randy I intend to use the template that came with the sink to lay out the location and cut from the top. There will be plenty of clearance from the back splash. This counter top doesn't even have a built in ledger beneath the back splash.
Lisa it sounds like you have done this before. The tape is a good tip. I'll be down in town this week. It will be interesting to see the progress of bulbs down below.
Lola the counter tops went in easier than I thought they would when I first got them home and started thinking how am I going to do this. I think the sink, garbage disposal and dishwasher connections should all go smoothly, fingers crossed.
Wow Christopher I can't believe how diligently you work, all the time. Your progress may seem slow to you over the last 3 years but is really incredible for one person mostly working alone. The finish line is in sight! The countertops are beautiful! We look forward with you to the inspection!
Hi Christopher! So glad you are back online! When you got your internet connection restarted, my connection died, and I am just getting up and going again. I have one of those fancy phones and it is pretty darn hard to try and follow your blog from it!
You must be trilled to be on the home stretch here. Your kitchen is looking grand with those gorgeous countertops. You have really worked hard to get here ~ congratulations! Soon those appliances will be turned on and providing you all the necessities of "home". :)
Happy Valentine's Day!
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