It starts right below the deck and that is where I started this morning chopping and dropping the dried perennials and raking the thick layer of leaves off the top of the Bird's Nest Spruce. I felt like gardening today.

I spent a good three hours chopping dried remnants and raking the paths before I ran out of energy. I didn't have the energy to think about cabin construction to begin with and that is how I ended up in the garden.

The resident gardeners have fussed more than once about some shrubs and other plants not doing well here high on the low spot of a mountain top. From the beginning and more so now I am convinced they were struggling with and being over come by the wild. These two hollies have revived quite nicely since regular maintenance has freed them from the tentacles of the wild things. Half of that is just not letting the dead stuff pile in and on top of things.

It is easier to blame the plants for failure than to admit the gardener is getting older and nature can take over faster than you can trim it into submission. I have chopped and dropped a good two thirds of the ridge top garden now. The front third remains. Somebody at least has staff now.

I have been discovering all the new patches of snowdrops. A dried bean of 'Scarlet Emperor' planted just for the flowers hangs above.

There may be some ulterior motives for my willingness, even enthusiasm, to act as the staff in the wild cultivated garden. I think it makes my parents happy to see their garden more garden like and that makes me happy. And the next garden tour is planned for when this bare brown world will look something like this.

After I ran out of enthusiasm for chopping and raking I went for a stroll and mercy that made me even more weary. The sunny utility meadow still needs to be hand mowed.

It's big too, but maybe half the size of the ridge top garden.

It runs along the hill below and surrounds the roadside vegetable garden. That all needs mowing.

The sunny utility meadow stretches to my door step and keeps going. It's my garden now and my section needs cleaning too.

The garden to be also needs all these piles of rubbish burned up. This warm weather has been red flag no burning days though. That's my excuse anyway. I have no staff. Really I need to get a permit and find a day to do it.

Perhaps I have lost my mind. Who in their right mind would attempt to garden such a large space without staff?
At least spring is still a good month away and there will be time to get things mowed down and tidied up before it all turns lush anew.

I really will be finished with this cabin soon. Yea sure. There is exterior painting to finish. Dry stack stone walls to finish. Furniture to find. Decorating to do. Gravel to spread........ and on and on.
I need a nap.
I love those pics of the woodlands. So peaceful looking. So inviting.
You are in your right mind to take on this job as it is a labor of love. And what better place to do it.
I find as I am getting older, I do not have the energy to keep up a huge garden, so I am slowly moving to flowering shrubs in many areas. I wish I had thought about this when I first started my garden. Of course, I think gardening keeps you young so I will have many more years (hopefully) before age makes my garden shrink.
Always Growing
So where is all you snow? I will send you some.
Hi Christopher ~ Your energy is unbelievable! It is all looking so lovely. Make your list and start checking it off because you are moving right along!
Last post was from me... Sorry I guess my fingers were going to fast and I hit enter before my name. :)
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