I have been continuing to chop down the dead dried remnants in little spurts. The front entry beds are clean except for the Miscanthus sinensis 'Remnants'. I don't trust this warm. I am not even sure I approve of this warm this soon. The dried grass can stay for a while longer for, is winter over, interest.
That little yellow dot to left of the well head are the crocus above. I suppose I should get more. That is not much of a display in the bigger picture.

If my simple theory was going to work there was no sense in waiting to make the basement patio lights more flush. Much more better. Now they have a much less pronounced tilt up which is better for shedding rain from the electric box. I am not annoyed with them anymore.

A couple of shrubberies jumped in my cart while I was getting various farm poos and mushroom compost for the roadside vegetable garden. Two more Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Golden Mop' were planted next to the lone one in front of the cabin.
Don't do this at home folks. You should make a proper bed free of weeds and mulched before planting instead of creating the bed around the plants afterwords like I am doing here. I just can't help myself.

I so look forward to the temporary power pole and electric line disappearing. I have looked at this eyesore for almost four years now. The very moment it is gone it will be transformed into a Cornus kousa. Previously I had planted a Aesculus parviflora, Bottlebrush Buckeye in this front bed. Now I think it will get too big for the space so I am going to move it to a undetermined new home.

More colors of crocus are showing up in the ridge top garden. There is evidence that they have self seeded over the years. There is also the possibility that they were moved by accident when something else was relocated. Imagine digging a whole on Bulbhilla when the bulb foliage is all gone. You are lucky not to hit a bulb of some sort.

I often hear "I don't remember planting that there." Whatever her methods, Bulbarella gets results.

This collection follows along the lines of Elizabeth's advice from Gardening While Intoxicated to dig a single hole and stuff it full of bulbs. None of that spacing nonsense. Go for immediate drama.

It was a perfectly good time to get a little gardening done, to get a little zen before I call the inspector man in the morning.
You have been a busy boy. The lights look much better. Good luck with the inspector.
The lights do look much better.
Good luck with the inspector man. I'm sure all will be fine.
Love all those forgotten bulbs. Nice shrubbery on the front.
The Cornus kousa will get very large too, taller than the bottlebrush buckeye although not so wide. Anything is better than your temporary utility post, but the space seems quite small for a large(ish) full bodied tree. Cornus kousa is beautiful though!
Lisa the lights definitely look perkier now.
Lola I will find out on Wednesday what the inspectors think, the environmental for the septic system and the main one for the cabin.
Laurrie it may be tad tight for the Cornus kousa. There is about 12 feet between the cabin and where it will be planted, but I would rather have the mass above the ground level and it can be trimmed to shape. The Aesculus is very much a mounding shrub. So far 4 of 6 Aesculus rooted cuttings I planted have survived.
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