I suppose I should get a little serious about the end of my semi-retirement, tragic underemployment, sabbatical. Now I have a little something to hand out. Maybe I will make a business website? The new card will have to be changed when a new phone gets hooked up, but this was a cheap and easy online deal at Vistaprint.
Ulu pua mana would have been too much. Remember mana. It will be used again.

This spell of warm weather is turning the Spots back into outdoor cats. They are not near as insistent to be let inside. Even after being out all day they like to join me for a stroll through the ridge top garden.

The 10,000 daffodils are starting to wake up in droves.

All the sticks and branches have been picked up. That is an ongoing job in the forest. The chop and drop of the dried remnants of the perennials needs to be done soon while the daffodils are still short and not in the way. Do I feel like goofing off and gardening at home today?

The Snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis are popping up all over. I think the combination of self sown plants reaching maturity, division and routine garden maintenance that allows the eye to see the forest floor more clearly accounts for their increasing numbers. This increase is bound to go exponential.
The warm spell is allowing them to fully bloom and some are beginning to fade.

That's ok. I have seen the first needle like spikes of crocus foliage. But I do not trust this warm spell. Winter is bound to return for several more visits. Is there a proper name for this winter warm like the Indian Summer of fall?

The time approaches for many things.
If you lived closer, I would be calling you right now to come work in my garden. There is a lot to do and I could use some help.
The only word that I can think of for these winter warm ups that impersonate spring is "tease".
I love that business card!
I agree with Carol & Anonymous.
The path is nice to wonder around & observe the surroundings.
Good for the kitties.
I was wondering if the clients would be calling with urgency.
I spent yesterday cleaning up my woodland and thinking about what else I might plant on its floor. Daffodils are a nice idea.
Also like your card.
Glad to hear the business is coming in again.
I was driving from Hot Springs to Waynesville yesterday (going to a shelter over there to adopt a dog) and I saw a roadside garden with a yard art face that looked familiar. Was that your roadside garden I would have driven past?
Carol there is a lot to do here and I don't even have to keep up appearances with the neighbors. I think it needs to get cold again soon or I might start to worry.
Thanks Sallysmom.
Lola they are calling, even asking, " I know it might be a bit early, but.."
Chris where you are you can grow a lot of the same stuff as us here. Bulbs are great because the deciduous forest are the exact conditions many want. Hosta, astilbe and pulmonaria are good shade perennials.
Rich if you drove from Hot Springs to Waynesville on the back road (209) through Spring Creek, Trust and Luck, then yes, when you got to the top of Spring Creek Valley and crossed the county line you were driving by our place. Uncle Ernie is a one of a kind object de art as far as I know. Did you notice an old chimney before the yard art?
I like your new business card. You are the Garden Man a.
10,000 daffodils sounds wonderful. It's good to see the paths cleared of snow and the Spots out and about. gail
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