The two things on the lowest piece of siding that have not been fully painted around are the electrical boxes for the basement patio lights. I might get to them soon. I need to paint them first. The furnace vent is the smallest one on the right between the windows. The range hood vent is the black one up top to the left of the window. The dryer vent is the one near the bottom on the left. That's three vents on one side, the side with the garden view. I can already picture the cozy cabin belching steam next winter.

The top sheet kit for the under counter installation of the dryer arrived. The top of the dryer was removed and the top sheet put on. Now I need the LP conversion kit for the dryer to come. Once it is converted I will be able to call the gas company and have the dryer, stove, furnace and hot water heater connected. Perhaps they will do the final connect of the gas tank to the cabin at the same time.
All the appliances are basically assembled and ready to go. That wasn't so bad. Next up, counter tops, sink and garbage disposal. When the counter tops get here. That may be another week or two.

The snow is gone for now. I can walk around the garden again. If by some miracle I run out of details to work on in the cabin while waiting for the counter tops, I just might get some garden type activities done, weathers depending. It's near laughable to imagine me running out of things that need doing though. My gardening is snuck in between everything else.
The Bosnian Pine is looking content. Next winter more of it should be visible above the snow.

The Fargesia rufa bamboo has passed the evergreen test. It was completely buried. I did see a bit of freezer burn on one of them, but bamboo is good about sending out new leaves when they get shed for some reason.

Get used to snow drops. They will be prominently featured in the coming weeks. It turned cold again. That slows things down even without snow on top. This is the main patch of snowdrops. I think the two scoop from a shovel the last two years is a bit noticeable.

I think these daffodils grew during the short winter respite.

Before I went to the cabin this morning, I walked the ridge top garden and picked up the bulk of fallen tree branches and limbs. Last night's gale added a few more sizable limbs to the ground. It takes a while to get three plus acres of wild cultivated garden tidied up for spring. Little bits of time spent in the garden add up.

The next thing to work on is the chop and drop of the remaining dried stalks of the perennial flowers. I just wander through with hedge clippers and cut them down. I prefer that the bulbs not have to compete with a bunch of dead sticks visually in the vertical plane.

The Spots need to get out too after being cooped up for the last two months. During the recent warm spell they managed to spend some quality time outside.

But it had turned cold cold and we all headed back inside after just a brief stroll.
Doesn't it feel good to get outside even if for just a little while. Those same four walls start closing in.
Now I'm interested in getting a Fargesia'Rufa. I have a few different bamboos but not Rufa.
Glad your vents are done. Looks like the kitties enjoyed their stroll. It does feel good to be able to get out for a few minutes.
Hi Christopher! All is looking great at your place. Have you any thought of covering those vents so varmints/creatures do not get in? I have a wasp nest in my range hood vent and it is way up high, so difficult to spray them out of there. Just a thought....
Lisa it was most enjoyable picking up tree branches in the morning before it turned cold.
Chris the Fargesia's are a cold hardy clumping bamboo. I need the cold hardy and most definitely don't want a spreader. The rufa will get around 8 feet. I think I'd prefer 12.
Lola I think the long term confinement is over and will be broken up by warmer spells.
Siria the range hood vent has a screen and a moving flap that opens with air pressure. The dryer one has a flap that opens and can't have screen because it will collect lint and clog. I'll see how things go.
So important to vent the drier down low. Which you did. We had ours venting down into the garage, and then up a little bit to get out of the house, and it was a disaster. Took hours to dry anything, even after we inserted a booster fan. Then we moved the vent down about 1 foot (yay, another hole in the house) and now it never takes longer than 40 minutes to dry even the heaviest load.
Nothing since Wednesday - I hope that you are OK and that it is only the computer which has crashed?
Yes, nothing since Wednesday. Concerned. Hope nothing is wrong.
Spoke with Chris today---he wanted me to relay a message---- His computer is down- He will be back on line on Wednesday- 2/09.....
Anonymous ~ thank you so much for the update! I too was getting worried with him being up there all by himself, and since he is so good about posting almost daily. Glad to know he is OK.
We're missing you. We are looking forward to your return to the blogasphere.
Thanks for the update. So glad all is ok. Posts have been missed. Do worry about his being alone.
Glad to know he'll be back very soon.
Have you been kidnapped, no postings in 6 days? More snow on the way?
I have communicated with my minion, I am still waiting for stupid Hughes satellite to get hoooked up. I am reading lots of books and plugging away at the cozy cabin. Have not fallen off the mountain. All is well. Christopher C, NC
Whew, I got scared when I hadn't been here in a few days and saw the same post from days ago! Thanks for keeping us updated! I HATE it when my lifeline to the outside world is down, Christopher, but hopefully you are educating your brain, haha!
Maybe you need one of those thing you wear around your neck that summons help if you fall or something - or train the Spots to dial 911...... (:
I totally agree with Bev.
So glad all is ok. Hughes need to get off their duff.
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