Just as nature would have it, the remains are left for the denizens of the soil.
It's a beginning. Only another two plus acres to go.

Those dead brown standing sticks annoy my enjoyment of the impending Bulbapaloozathon and the greening of spring to follow. I will say now that this is being done annually there is a lot less to chop and drop than the first time I did this.

The snowdrops are not the only diminutive bulbs that can get lost in all that tall debris. There are thousands if not tens of thousands of the just as small Puschkinia, Scilla, Crocus, Ipheion, Hyacinthoides and Chionodoxa that litter the forest floor like so many leaves in the fall. I want to see them without interference.
The wild cultivated garden is being set up for spring.

I'm gathering my wits for the cutting of the hole for the kitchen sink. Thanks Randy and Lisa for your advice. I see now how cutting close to the back splash is problematic with a jigsaw. My fear is that cutting it from the bottom elsewhere or even semi in place will make getting it back in place without breaking the now two narrow strips that hold the heavy ends together a major challenge. My arms aren't that long.
My new plan is to drill the corner holes, flip it on end, cut the back splash line from the bottom, then set it back in place to cut the other three sides from the top. I got the down stroke blades Lisa.
The tools and a plan for cutting a sink hole are being set up.

It will have to wait another day though. The current warm and sunny weather has the clients thinking spring and calling. I will be getting busy with work kind work soon enough so it is best not to put them off and let it pile up. Besides it's nice to break up my solitary building routine.
Don't forget the cover the top surface with masking tape, it will keep it from splintering the Formica.
Good luck!
Your forest is looking good. It does take time but worth it.
It also will be worth the break for renewed feelings of the task at hand.
By all means the clients will give you a great break.
Christopher; Daniel Mosquin over at Botany Photo of the Day (do you subscribe to that from U British Columbia Botanical G?) is looking for suggestions for bot. gardens/botanical hikes in western NC, SC and east Georgia. If interested perhaps you or colleagues could comment and give suggestions. I forgot link but will send in another comment.
Oops, sorry; I posted the Botany photo of the day link on your next post; not this one. still getting used to my new Mac; couldn't figure out how to copy and paste! thanks, bev
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