Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Deep Freeze

The temperature remained steady at eighteen degrees while it snow all day long. All day long. Yet there did not look to be anymore snow on the ground at the end of the day than when I woke up. What was happening to all that snow? It is hard to imagine the ground still held enough warmth to be melting it from below. There has been no warmth of late.

One glass table top has taken on a much more visible ice blue hue in the cold.

The extended diagnosis is for cold cold. There are many days ahead with highs in the lower thirties. This may be the longest stretch of winter like deep cold of the season. We're trapped.

I started the taxes and quickly hit a snag. Further receipt scrutiny and organizing was needed for business deductions. Meh. There will be more cold days ahead. A nap was more appealing.

The curious thing for the day was when the electric company truck crawled by looking at the power lines, in particular one that crosses the scenic byway to one of my neighbor's houses. They looked and drove away. Twenty minutes later the power went out. Twenty minutes later the truck was back. They cranked up a chainsaw, cut something so small I didn't see it fall and drove away. Twenty minutes later the power was back on.

This just seemed like the most unlikely day for a minute adjustment on the major chopping they did on that line three months ago. The power had not even gone out that I was aware of.

All I can manage is short excursion to the front porch where I can look at evergreens sprinkled with snow that for some strange reason is not piling up. There will be no chopping and sawing on a day like this.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

Sounds like we are having the same weathers.
I like the repetition of circles in your photo.
Getting those taxes finished will make you feel accomplished. Git er done.

Lola said...

Yes, get those taxes done. Cold here, windy too.

Barry said...

I know the frustration when certain year-end statements are tardy (and once were so until late March one tear!). Grrr.
Our power went out last month, as a maple tree flopped over and yanked down the power lines on the other side of the road. The power crew reportedly were not amused when one of the area residents asked them: "Why did the maple tree cross the road?"

Christopher C. NC said...

Circles are a semi conscious theme with me Lisa.

The pencil version of state and federal taxes are complete. I'll do the ink form after some money starts coming back in. It was cold cold today.

Lola I bet it is cold in Florida if it is only highs of 20 here two days in a row.

Barry I am surprised more trees don't cross the road in these parts with the winds we get. Waiting on year end forms is not an excuse I can use. I get some sent to me, but I don't need them. They are more important for the senders.